ExcelTaq高保真性Klen-Taq DNA聚合酶(ExcelTaq Klen-Taq Polymerase, TK1000)以更适当比例混合了KlenTaq-1 DNA 聚合酶(切除N端,缺少5'→3' 外切酶活性的DNA 聚合酶)及少量具有校正活性的DNA聚合酶。 此一独特的设计可以提高保真性、延伸性及扩增效率。 Klen-Taq DNA聚合酶可以耐受不同浓度的镁离子,它非常耐热且保真性是一般Taq DNA聚合酶的4倍。 TK1000高保真性Klen-Taq DNA聚合酶非常适合从基因组DNA扩增0.5-5 kb的目标片段,在处理较单纯模版的情况则可以到达10 kb。ExcelTaq Klen-Taq DNA Polymerase is a specially blended enzyme mix containing KlenTaq-1 DNA polymerase (a 5’-exo-minus, N-terminal deletion of Taq DNA polymerase) and a small amount of a proofreading DNA polymerase. This unique blending helps to improve the fidelity, yield and processivity of the resultant PCR process. The Klen-Taq is also highly robust, showing high tolerance of varying concentration of Mg2+; it is highly thermostable and has four times the fidelity compared to Taq DNA polymerase. The ExcelTaq Klen-Taq DNA Polymerase is ideal for DNA amplifications 0.5-5 kb in length on genomic DNA, and up to 10 kb on less complex templates.
ExcelTaq高保真、高性能SMO-HiFi DNA 聚合酶(ExcelTaq SMO-HiFi polymerase, TF1000)是经由基因重组工程产生,具有高持续性及高保真性,其校正活性是一般Taq DNA聚合酶的70倍。 具有极佳热稳定性,能处在沸水中2分钟仍能保有活性。 与其他DNA聚合酶相比,高保真、高性能SMO-HiFi DNA 聚合酶可以在极低镁离子浓度的情况下发挥功能。The ExcelTaq SMO-HiFi DNA Polymerase is a new genetic modified, recombinant DNA polymerase with 70 times higher fidelity during amplification than Taq DNA polymerase, as well as very high elongation rate. Being highly thermostable, the SMO-HiFi DNA Polymerase can remain viable even after being subjected to boiling for 2 minutes. The ExcelTaq SMO-HiFi DNA Polymerase is also designed to operate in much lower Mg2+ concentration as compared to other DNA polymerase.
biotechrabbit™ Pfu DNA Polymerase is a highly purified thermostable recombinant proofreading DNA polymerase. Pfu DNA Polymerase exhibits approximately 10 times higher accuracy than Taq DNA polymerase and amplifies targets up to 3–4 kb in size.
The enzyme catalyzes template-dependent nucleotide polymerization in the 5'-3' direction. Additionally the 3'-5' exonuclease (proofreading) activity corrects nucleotide incorporation errors, thereby increasing fidelity and accuracy of DNA polymerization. The enzyme has no 5'-3' exonuclease activity and no detectable reverse transcriptase activity and produces blunt-end PCR products.
For the most demanding applications, the supplied 5× PCR Enhancer can be optionally used for improving results when using templates with GC-rich sequences and complex structures.
biotechrabbit™ Pfu PCR Master Mix is a perfect choice for fast, high-fidelity PCR setup that reduces the time required for calculation and pipetting and eliminates the need for buffer optimization. It is designed for routine high-throughput, high-fidelity amplification of targets up to 3–4 kb in size.
The 2× Pfu PCR Master Mix contains Pfu DNA Polymerase, extremely high-quality dNTPs and optimized PCR buffer; thus, only template, PCR primers and PCR-grade water are added. For the most demanding applications, the supplied 5× PCR Enhancer can be optionally be used to improve results when using templates with GC-rich sequences and complex structures.
Pfu DNA Polymerase exhibits approximately 10 times higher accuracy compared to Taq DNA polymerase. Pfu DNA Polymerase produces blunt-end PCR products suitable for blunt cloning.
biotechrabbit™ Pfu DNA Polymerase is a highly purified thermostable recombinant proofreading DNA polymerase. Pfu DNA Polymerase exhibits approximately 10 times higher accuracy than Taq DNA polymerase and amplifies targets up to 3–4 kb in size.
The enzyme catalyzes template-dependent nucleotide polymerization in the 5'-3' direction. Additionally the 3'-5' exonuclease (proofreading) activity corrects nucleotide incorporation errors, thereby increasing fidelity and accuracy of DNA polymerization. The enzyme has no 5'-3' exonuclease activity and no detectable reverse transcriptase activity and produces blunt-end PCR products.
For the most demanding applications, the supplied 5× PCR Enhancer can be optionally used for improving results when using templates with GC-rich sequences and complex structures.
biotechrabbit™ Pfu PCR Master Mix is a perfect choice for fast, high-fidelity PCR setup that reduces the time required for calculation and pipetting and eliminates the need for buffer optimization. It is designed for routine high-throughput, high-fidelity amplification of targets up to 3–4 kb in size.
The 2× Pfu PCR Master Mix contains Pfu DNA Polymerase, extremely high-quality dNTPs and optimized PCR buffer; thus, only template, PCR primers and PCR-grade water are added. For the most demanding applications, the supplied 5× PCR Enhancer can be optionally be used to improve results when using templates with GC-rich sequences and complex structures.
Pfu DNA Polymerase exhibits approximately 10 times higher accuracy compared to Taq DNA polymerase. Pfu DNA Polymerase produces blunt-end PCR products suitable for blunt cloning.