DM2100 ExcelBand 100 bp DNA分子量标记为直接使用型产品,内含11条DNA 条带,为方便目测,于1.5 k及500 bp 两条带增量,以快速辨别片段大小;并已预先混合1 x DNA上样缓冲液与追踪染料Xylene cyanol FF及 Orange G,以实时监控并模拟4,000 bp 及50 bp 双链DNA条带泳动进度。The DM2100 ExcelBand 100 bp DNA Ladder is a ready-to-use DNA ladder, which is pre-mixed with loading dye for direct loading on gel. The DM2100 DNA marker is composed of 11 individual DNA fragments: 1.5k, 1k, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200 and 100 bp derived from a mixture of PCR products and specifically digested plasmid DNA. This product contains two enhanced bands (1.5 kb and 500 bp) for easy referencing. In addition, two tracking dyes, Xylene cyanol FF and Orange G which mimic the migration of 4,000 bp and 50 bp dsDNA during electrophoresis are also added for real time monitoring.
DM3100 ExcelBand 1 KB (0.25-10 kb) DNA分子量标记为直接使用型产品,内含13条DNA 条带,为方便目测,于3 kb及1 kb 两条带增量,以快速辨别片段大小;并已预先混合1 x DNA上样缓冲液与追踪染料Xylene cyanol FF 及 Bromophenol blue,以实时监控并模拟4,000 bp及500 bp 双链DNA条带泳动进度。The DM3100 ExcelBand 1 KB (0.25-10 kb) DNA Ladder is a ready-to-use DNA ladder, which is pre-mixed with loading dye for direct loading on gel. The DNA ladder DM3100 is composed of 13 individual DNA fragments: 10k, 8k, 6k, 5k, 4k, 3k, 2.5k, 2k, 1.5k, 1k, 750, 500, and 250 bp derived from a mixture of PCR products and specifically digested plasmid DNA. This product contains two enhanced bands (3 kb and 1 kb) for easy referencing. In addition, two tracking dyes, Xylene cyanol FF and Bromophenol blue which mimic the migration of 4,000 bp and 500 bp dsDNA during electrophoresis are also added for real time monitoring.
DM2300 ExcelBand 100 bp + 3K DNA分子量标记为直接使用型产品,内含12条DNA 条带,为方便目测,于1.5 k及 500 bp 两条带增量,以快速辨别片段大小;并已预先混合1 x DNA上样缓冲液与追踪染料Xylene cyanol FF及 Orange G,以实时监控并模拟4,000 bp 及50 bp双链DNA条带泳动进度。The DM2300 ExcelBand 100 bp+3K DNA Ladder is a ready-to-use DNA ladder, which is pre-mixed with loading dye for direct loading on gel. The DM2300 DNA ladder is composed of 12 individual DNA fragments: 3k, 1.5k, 1k, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200 and 100 bp derived from a mixture of PCR products and specifically digested plasmid DNA. This product contains two enhanced bands (1.5 kb and 500 bp) for easy referencing. In addition, two tracking dyes, Xylene cyanol FF and Orange G which mimic the migration of 4,000 bp and 50 bp dsDNA during electrophoresis are also added for real time monitoring.
DM2160 FluoroBand 100bp 预染荧光DNA分子量标记为即用型产品,其预先混和高灵敏度DNA 专一性荧光染料及1 x DNA上样缓冲液,方便用户直接使用。 本产品内含11条经由PCR产物及特定质体DNA剪切而成之DNA预染荧光条带。 此11条DNA条带可直接以光波长470纳米之蓝光或紫外光激发后产生荧光。 此产品于1.5k及 500 bp 为增量条带以方便目测并辨别片段大小。 本预染荧光DNA分子量标记内含两种追踪染料Xylene cyanol FF (4,000 bp)及Orange G (50 bp)以预估条带泳动进度。 若电泳槽配有适当激发光源(蓝光或紫外光)则可实时监控电泳槽内条带分离状况并追踪泳动进度。The DM2160 FluoroBand 100 bp Fluorescent DNA Ladder is a ready-to-use DNA ladder, which is pre-mixed with high sensitivity DNA binding fluorescent dye and loading dye for direct loading on gel. The DNA Ladder DM2160 is composed of 11 individual DNA fragments: 1.5k, 1k, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200 and 100 bp derived from a mixture of PCR products and specifically digested plasmid DNA; these bands can be visualized when illuminated with 470 nm blue light or UV light. This product contains two enhanced bands (1.5 kb and 500 bp) for easy referencing. In addition, two tracking dyes, Xylene cyanol FF and Orange G which mimic the migration of 4,000 bp and 50 bp dsDNA during electrophoresis are also added for real time monitoring. Real time observation of the electrophoresis is also possible if compatible light source is fitted to the electrophoresis tank.
DM2360 FluoroBand 100 bp+3K 预染荧光DNA分子量标记为即用型产品,其预先混和高灵敏度DNA 专一性荧光染料及1 x DNA上样缓冲液,方便用户直接使用。 本产品内含12条经由PCR产物及特定质体DNA剪切而成之DNA预染荧光条带。 此12条DNA条带可直接以光波长470纳米之蓝光或紫外光激发后产生荧光。 此产品于1.5k及 500 bp 为增量条带以方便目测并辨别片段大小。 本预染荧光DNA分子量标记内含两种追踪染料Xylene cyanol FF (4,000 bp)及Orange G (50 bp)以预估条带泳动进度。 若电泳槽配有适当激发光源(蓝光或紫外光)则可实时监控电泳槽内条带分离状况并追踪泳动进度。The DM2360 FluoroBand 100 bp+3K Fluorescent DNA Ladder is a ready-to-use DNA ladder, which is pre-mixed with high sensitivity DNA binding fluorescent dye and loading dye for direct loading on gel. The DNA Ladder DM2360 is composed of 12 individual DNA fragments: 3k, 1.5k, 1k, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200 and 100 bp derived from a mixture of PCR products and specifically digested plasmid DNA; these bands can be visualized when illuminated with 470 nm blue light or UV light. This product contains two enhanced bands (1.5 kb and 500 bp) for easy referencing. In addition, two tracking dyes, Xylene cyanol FF and Orange G which mimic the migration of 4,000 bp and 50 bp dsDNA during electrophoresis are also added for real time monitoring. Real time observation of the electrophoresis is also possible if compatible light source is fitted to the electrophoresis tank.
DM3160 FluoroBand 1KB (0.25-10 kb)预染荧光DNA分子量标记为即用型产品,其预先混和高灵敏度DNA 专一性荧光染料及1 x DNA上样缓冲液,方便用户直接使用。 本产品内含13条经由PCR产物及特定质体DNA剪切而成之DNA预染荧光条带。 此13条DNA条带可直接以光波长470纳米之蓝光或紫外光激发后产生荧光。 此产品于3k及 1k 为增量条带以方便目测并辨别片段大小。 本预染荧光DNA分子量标记内含两种追踪染料Xylene cyanol FF (4,000 bp)及Bromophenol blue (500 bp)以预估条带泳动进度。 若电泳槽配有适当激发光源(蓝光或紫外光)则可实时监控电泳槽内条带分离状况并追踪泳动进度。The DM3160 FluoroBand 1KB (0.25-10 kb) Fluorescent DNA Ladder is a ready-to-use DNA ladder, which is pre-mixed with high sensitivity DNA binding fluorescent dye and loading dye for direct loading on gel. The DNA ladder DM3160 is composed of 13 individual DNA fragments: 10k, 8k, 6k, 5k, 4k, 3k, 2.5k, 2k, 1.5k, 1k, 750, 500, and 250 bp derived from a mixture of PCR products and specifically digested plasmid DNA; these bands can be visualized when illuminated with 470 nm blue light or UV light. This product contains two enhanced bands (3 kb and 1 kb) for easy referencing. In addition, two tracking dyes, Xylene cyanol FF and Bromophenol blue which mimic the migration of 4,000 bp and 500 bp dsDNA during electrophoresis are also added for real time monitoring. Real time observation of the electrophoresis is also possible if compatible light source is fitted to the electrophoresis tank.
DM4100 ExcelBand XL 25 kb DNA分子量标记为直接使用型产品,内含14条DNA 条带,为方便目测,于3 kb及1 kb两条带增量,以快速辨别片段大小;并已预先混合1 x DNA上样缓冲液与追踪染料Xylene cyanol FF 及 Bromophenol blue,以实时监控并模拟4,000 bp及500 bp双链DNA条带泳动进度。The DM4100 ExcelBand XL 25 kb DNA Ladder is a ready-to-use DNA ladder, which is pre-mixed with loading dye for direct loading on gel. The DNA Ladder DM4100 is composed of 14 individual DNA fragments: 25k, 10k, 8k, 6k, 5k, 4k, 3k, 2.5k, 2k, 1.5k, 1k, 750, 500, and 250 base pairs derived from a mixture of PCR products and specifically digested plasmid DNA. This product contains two enhanced bands (3 kb and 1 kb) for easy referencing. In addition, two tracking dyes, Xylene cyanol FF and Bromophenol blue which mimic the migration of 4,000 bp and 500 bp dsDNA during electrophoresis are also added for real time monitoring.
DM1100 ExcelBand 50 bp DNA分子量标记为直接使用型产品,内含17条DNA 条带,为方便目测,于500及200 bp 两条带增量,以快速辨别片段大小;并已预先混合1 x DNA上样缓冲液与追踪染料Orange G,以实时监控并模拟50 bp 双链DNA条带泳动进度。The DM1100 ExcelBand 50 bp DNA Ladder is a ready-to-use DNA ladder, which is pre-mixed with loading dye for direct loading on gel. The DM1100 DNA marker is composed of 17 individual DNA fragments: 1.5k, 1.2k, 1k, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 450, 400, 350, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, and 50 bp derived from a mixture of PCR products and specifically digested plasmid DNA. This product contains two enhanced bands (500 bp and 200 bp) for easy referencing. In addition, the low range Orange G tracking dye mimics the migration of a 50 bp dsDNA during electrophoresis is also added for real time monitoring.
DM3200 ExcelBand 1 KB 加强型 DNA分子量标记为直接使用型产品,内含19条DNA 条带,为方便目测,于3 kb、1 kb 及500 bp三条带增量,以快速辨别片段大小;并已预先混合1 x DNA上样缓冲液与追踪染料Xylene cyanol FF、Bromophenol blue及Orange G,以实时监控并模拟4,000 bp、500 bp及50 bp双链DNA条带泳动进度。The DM3200 ExcelBand 1 KB Plus (0.1-10 kb) DNA Ladder is a ready-to-use DNA ladder, which is pre-mixed with loading dye for direct loading on gel. The DNA Ladder DM3200 is composed of 19 individual DNA fragments: 10k, 8k, 6k, 5k, 4k, 3k, 2.5k, 2k, 1.5k, 1k, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200, and 100 bp derived from a mixture of PCR products and specifically digested plasmid DNA. This product contains three enhanced bands (3 kb, 1.5 kb and 500 bp) for easy referencing. In addition, three tracking dyes, Xylene cyanol FF, Bromophenol blue and Orange G which mimic the migration of 4,000 bp, 500 bp and 50 bp dsDNA during electrophoresis are also added for real time monitoring.
DM2000 AccuBand ™ 100 bp DNA marker 为直接使用型产品,内含6条DNA 条带,分别为 2k, 1k, 750, 500, 250 and 100 bp为方便目测,于750 bp 条带处增量。此Marker在100bp 到250bp 提供了足够多的量以改善常规DNA Marker 在小分量条带处的微弱的可视的缺点,保证了所有100 bp 到 2k bp DNA 条带在琼脂糖凝胶电泳或者聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳下的清晰观察。AccuBandTM 100 bp DNA marker II is composed of 6 individual DNA fragments, presenting 2k, 1k, 750, 500, 250 and 100 bp sharp bands respectively. This product contains 1 enhanced band (750 bp) for easy identification of bands. AccuBandTM 100 bp DNA marker II is ready-to-use, containing loading buffer with tracking dyes of dual colors (orange and cyan). To improve the faint visibility of low molecular weight bands frequently occurred in use of conventional DNA markers, AccuBandTM 100 bp DNA marker II provides sufficient amount of DNA for 250 and 100 bp fragments, and thus ensuring clear observation of all DNA bands ranging from 100 bp to 2k bp, either in agarose gel or in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
DM4160 FluoroBand 25 kb 广范围预染荧光DNA分子量标记为即用型产品,其预先混和高灵敏度DNA 专一性荧光染料及DNA上样缓冲液,方便用户直接使用。 本产品内含14条经由PCR产物及特定质体DNA剪切而成之DNA预染荧光条带。 此13条DNA条带可直接以光波长470纳米之蓝光或紫外光激发后产生荧光。 此产品于3k及1k为增量条带以方便目测并辨别片段大小。 本预染荧光DNA分子量标记内含两种追踪染料Xylene cyanol FF (4,000 bp) 及Bromophenol blue (500 bp)以预估条带泳动进度。 若电泳槽配有适当激发光源(蓝光或紫外光)则可实时监控电泳槽内条带分离状况并追踪泳动进度。The DM4160 FluoroBand XL 25 kb Fluorescent DNA Ladder is a ready-to-use DNA ladder, which is pre-mixed with high sensitivity DNA binding fluorescent dye and loading dye for direct loading on gel. The DNA Ladder DM4160 is composed of 14 individual DNA fragments: 25k, 10k, 8k, 6k, 5k, 4k, 3k, 2.5k, 2k, 1.5k, 1k, 750, 500, and 250 base pairs derived from a mixture of PCR products and specifically digested plasmid DNA; these bands can be visualized when illuminated with 470 nm blue light or UV light. This product contains two enhanced bands (3 kb and 1 kb) for easy referencing. In addition, two tracking dyes, Xylene cyanol FF and Bromophenol blue which mimic the migration of 4,000 bp and 500 bp dsDNA during electrophoresis are also added for real time monitoring. Real time observation of the electrophoresis is also possible if compatible light source is fitted to the electrophoresis tank.
DM1160 FluoroBand 50 bp预染荧光DNA分子量标记为即用型产品,其预先混和高灵敏度DNA 专一性荧光染料及1 x DNA上样缓冲液,方便用户直接使用。 本产品内含17条经由PCR产物及特定质体DNA剪切而成之DNA预染荧光条带。 此17条DNA条带可直接以光波长470纳米之蓝光或紫外光激发后产生荧光。 此产品于500及200 bp为增量条带以方便目测并辨别片段大小。 本预染荧光DNA分子量标记内含追踪染料Orange G (50 bp)以预估条带泳动进度。 若电泳槽配有适当激发光源(蓝光或紫外光)则可实时监控电泳槽内条带分离状况并追踪泳动进度。The DM1160 FluoroBand 50 bp Fluorescent DNA Ladder is a ready-to-use DNA ladder, which is pre-mixed with high sensitivity DNA binding fluorescent dye and loading dye for direct loading on gel. The DNA Ladder DM1160 is composed of 17 individual DNA fragments: 1.5k, 1.2k, 1k, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 450, 400, 350, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, and 50 bp derived from a mixture of PCR products and specifically digested plasmid DNA; these bands can be visualized when illuminated with 470 nm blue light or a UV light. This product contains two enhanced bands (500 bp and 200 bp) for easy referencing. In addition, the low range Orange G tracking dye which mimics the migration of a 50 bp dsDNA during electrophoresis is also added for real time monitoring. Real time observation of the electrophoresis is also possible if compatible light source is fitted to the electrophoresis tank.
M3260 FluoroBand 1 KB 加强型(0.1-10 kb)预染荧光DNA分子量标记为即用型产品,其预先混和高灵敏度DNA 专一性荧光染料及1 x DNA上样缓冲液,方便用户直接使用。 本产品内含19条经由PCR产物及特定质体DNA剪切而成之DNA预染荧光条带。 此13条DNA条带可直接以光波长470纳米之蓝光或紫外光激发后产生荧光。 此产品于3k、1.5k及 500 bp 为增量条带以方便目测并辨别片段大小。 本预染荧光DNA分子量标记内含三种追踪染料Xylene cyanol FF (4,000 bp)、Bromophenol blue (500 bp) 及Orange G (50 bp)以预估条带泳动进度。 若电泳槽配有适当激发光源(蓝光或紫外光)则可实时监控电泳槽内条带分离状况并追踪泳动进度。The DM3260 FluoroBand 1 KB Plus (0.1-10 kb) Fluorescent DNA Ladder is a ready-to-use DNA ladder, which is pre-mixed with high sensitivity DNA binding fluorescent dye and loading dye for direct loading on gel. The DNA Ladder DM3260 is composed of 19 individual DNA fragments: 10k, 8k, 6k, 5k, 4k, 3k, 2.5k, 2k, 1.5k, 1k, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200, and 100 base pairs derived from a mixture of PCR products and specifically digested plasmid DNA; these bands can be visualized when illuminated with 470 nm blue light or UV light. This product contains three enhanced bands (3 kb, 1.5 kb and 500 bp) for easy referencing. In addition, three tracking dyes, Xylene cyanol FF, Bromophenol blue and Orange G which mimic the migration of 4,000 bp, 500 bp and 50 bp dsDNA during electrophoresis are also added for real time monitoring. Real time observation of the electrophoresis is also possible if compatible light source is fitted to the electrophoresis tank.
DM5100 Specialized DNA Ladder,Super Range (50 bp~ 25 kb) DNA分子量标记为直接使用型产品,内含26条DNA 条带,为方便目测,于3k, 1.2k, 500 and 200 bp四条带增量,以快速辨别片段大小;并已预先混合1 x DNA上样缓冲液与追踪染料Xylene cyanol FF、Bromophenol blue及Orange G,以实时监控并模拟4,000 bp、500 bp及50 bp双链DNA条带泳动进度。Xylene cyanol FF 及 Bromophenol blue,以实时监控并模拟4,000 bp及500 bp双链DNA条带泳动进度。ExcelBand Specialized DNA Ladder DM5100 is composed of 26 individual DNA fragments: 25k, 10k, 8k, 6k, 5k, 4k, 3k, 2.5k, 2k, 1.5k, 1.2k, 1k, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 450, 400, 350, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100 and 50 base pairs. This product contains 4 enhance bands (3k, 1.2k, 500 and 200 bp) for easy reference. The ladder is ready-to-use, which is premixed with loading buffer and tracking dye for direct loading on gel.
biotechrabbit™ DNA electrophoresis ladders are mixtures of exceptionally purified DNA fragments created either by PCR or by digesting proprietary plasmids with restriction enzymes. Ladders are ready to use and suitable not only for DNA sizing but also for approximate DNA quantification in gels. For convenience, ladders have increased intensity reference bands and indicated DNA amount in nanograms for every band.
Every ready-to-use ladder is supplied with the nuclease-free Loading Dye Solution, which ensures optimal migration and quantification of your DNA probes. It includes three electrophoresis tracking dyes (xylene cyanol, bromophenol blue and orange G), allowing the process of the DNA through the gel to be visualized.
biotechrabbit™ DNA electrophoresis ladders are mixtures of exceptionally purified DNA fragments created either by PCR or by digesting proprietary plasmids with restriction enzymes. Ladders are ready to use and suitable not only for DNA sizing but also for approximate DNA quantification in gels. For convenience, ladders have increased intensity reference bands and indicated DNA amount in nanograms for every band.
Every ready-to-use ladder is supplied with the nuclease-free Loading Dye Solution, which ensures optimal migration and quantification of your DNA probes. It includes three electrophoresis tracking dyes (xylene cyanol, bromophenol blue and orange G), allowing the process of the DNA through the gel to be visualized.